Here we go!

Not quite sure how this will go but

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Movember, baby shower and beach shack!

This week has been manic - probably too busy to be honest, so much so that I spelt a name wrong!!!
I was mortified - fortunately most people at the party were so drunk I am hoping that they didn't notice!
So the week started with more Pudsey bear cakes for people at work - another 60!
That was ok as I had Sunday to do them.
On Thursday Jake wanted 24 cakes for Movember - Men with moustaches, to sell at the rugby club. It was fun designing them so that they were all different.

Thursday night was Parent's evening so I didn't have much time in the evening.I finished the Mario cake and the mario cupcakes - they were time consuming!
Hopefully they were enjoyed by the children. I tried to make the cakes follow the game screens from the Nintendo games and the cupcakes were all characters from Mario Games. They were certainly colourful!

Friday was Elizabeth's baby shower - another opportunity to make lots of baby themed cakes. I really wanted to do something special so made cookies too!
Lots of fun cutting out feet and teddy bears. They all had to macth so the cupcakes cases, the fondant and the ribbons all had a brown and beige spotty theme. Elizabeth has already painted her nursery beige!!! It's so exciting!

Then on Saturday it was Jamie's birthday party. He wanted a beach shack. It was all going well - until I realised I had spelt his name wrong. Bless him, he didn't want to say anything!
I think I was so tired I could really have written anything!
Never mind - it was a good party!

Today was Sam's mum's birthday so a trip to the South coast to deliver flowers and  teddy cake. She was so surprised.It was lovely to deliver a birthday surprise!!!

What a weekend!
We finished with a faulous meal in Mayfield in a vey old pub/restaurant.It was delicious. So now I am feeling a little "caked out" and in need of a rest. Back to marking books now!
What an exiting life I lead!!!!

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Sweetart and Scraps: Pudsey Bear Cupcakes

Sweetart and Scraps: Pudsey Bear Cupcakes: "I can't believe I have only just finished!!!! I love Children in Need and decided to make some Pudsey Bear cakes to sell at work. As well a..."

Sunday, 21 November 2010

A-Z scrapbooking of our 4* and 5* hotel bars!!!

Well this was the idea - As we didn't meet up much in London during the weeks and on schoolnights, we decided that we needed a project to inspire us. I must admit I may have had a glas of wine or two before I came up with the idea. Ian loves nice hotel bars and I do too. I love scrapbooking so we thought we would combine the two.

Well they must be 4* or 5* as much as possible. We work our way through the alphabet and take turns in paying. Only one drink in each hotel bar (although if they are really nice we have stayed for more than one!!)
It must be a cocktail or a glass of champagne. We take a photo. I have to create a scrapbooking page for an album that reflects the hotel bar, the decore and the ambience.
So far so good!
This started in June 2009 and we still haven't finished!

 Next is the Ritz - I can't wait!
After that the Savoy which we have been waiting for to re-open following their refurbishment. It's exciting!!!
It's a bit cheesy but I love it!
Can't do any this week as have meetings and parents evening and lots of cakes so maybe next week!

Friday, 19 November 2010

Pudsey Bear Cupcakes

I can't believe I have only just finished!!!!
I love Children in Need and decided to make some Pudsey Bear cakes to sell at work. As well as the 150 cupcakes for the 1st of the month (mm red velvet! New one this week), I made 150 Children in Need cakes, and twenty "Movember" cakes. Well done guys at work for perservering with growing your moustaches!!!
Apart from some dodgy 80's looking porn stars in the staff room - you look fab!
The giant cupcake was a success and we raffled it at break.
So far have made over £175.00.
I just wish Mo had done the pricing - the cakes were a bargain and I'm sure I could have doubled the price to raise even more money!
Never mind - it's a great cause. The cakes were so popular I took orders for another 200 boxed cupcakes and have only just finished. I have spots (green, blue, red and yellow!) before my eyes!

It was Janice's birthday on Wednesday and Tracey's today. Janice had to have a bit of sparkle to celebrate a special birthday!

Tracey's was easy - she is always going on holiday and so a beach theme seemed a good idea. Unfortunately as I was on a course today I didn't get to see her face when she saw it!
I loved making the matching cupcakes!
I'll upload it soon.
It has been a long day and I'm ready for bed now. I will be dreaming of Pudsey bear!!!!!
Tracey's beach/holiday themed cakes...

Friday, 5 November 2010

November 2010

It has been a  horrible week and I am only just beginning to feel normal again. My voice is slowly coming back - not good when you are a teacher!
My chest, throat and ear infections are being taken care of by anti-biotics and hopefully will be 100% soon. I feel like I have been hit by a bus this week!!
At least it's nothing serious and will be gone soon. Unfortunately it did interfere with half-term and my week away too but we made the most of it and just avoided going out for long walks in the mild but windy weather. Instead we sampled the fabulous food that Cornwall has to offer (in between fits of coughing and choking - Nice!!!)
I have to say that the restaurant Nathan Outlaw was sensational and so was the hotel - a treat for his birthday!
Also the food at Paul Aisnsworth at number 6 Padstows was to die for, especially the dessert platter.How I am ever going to lose weight I don't know!!!
It was good doing something than the usual Rick Stein every year.

So it has been quiet on the cake front as I haven't been well enough to do them. The last few were quirky and hopefully made people smile. Sarah's son and his friends are off travelling around the world so she asked for a cake to send them off. I love the suitcase one as I hadmade it for my best friend who loves holidays!!
I had two requestd from friends a work for birthday cakes - one for fairies and the other a Tinkerbell cake. They had found a picture that I worked from. I think it's from an American lady so I hope she doesn't mind - it's not exactly the same!

A few for November when all my germs are gone and the 150 cupcakes for staff (as I missed the 1st) will keep me busy.
I need to think about a design for our Christmas cake - or maybe Ian will make it!
Back to scrapbooking soon and our alphabet hotel bar project - P next!