Here we go!

Not quite sure how this will go but

Sunday 23 January 2011

Jules-Sweetart online!!!

It has been a mad couple of weeks but a very exciting time - well for me anyway!
After lots of hours researching and working and with lots of advice from my colleagues Tony and Mike, Jules' Sweetart finally went live last Sunday evening.
 I wasn't quite sure what to expect and as I have probably taught myself most things to do with IT (not always successfully!) I was a little apprehensive.
The website finally went live and was there for all to see - I was so excited and wanted to celebrate with champagne!
Loading up lots of photos took forever but it's looking ok and enquiries have gone mad!
It's a shame I have a full time job and it's only a hobby!
Still I'll never give up my job - unless I win the lottery - as much as some days are hard work, my girls are very good and work very hard!

Friday was champagne Friday and my girls are so wonderful. Thank you so much to Mo, Elizabeth, Louise, Kim, Tracey and of course Veg (hope you're having fun in Oz!)
Without you all and all of your encouragement, I would never have got this far with my cakes!!!

So with the website up and running, orders came flooding in and my calendar now looks very full.
This week I had chocolate cupcakes, a "new job" cake and some Manchester United cupcakes to do.
The "new job" cake was for Lynette's niece and so I thought I would go to town with their orange theme and one of their planes. It was very orange!

The Man Utd cupcakes were for a birthday and I had to check what their kit was and their sponsor - they change so often!

So now I need to get organised and really plan ahead to keep on top of things. I managed to mark two sets of homework this weekend but would really like to cut down - Mission Impossible me thinks!
I have also made toppers for Nintendo cupcakes, Octonaut figures (am excited as they are so cute!) and an american footballer - all ready for next week and the week after.
It's Burn's Night on Tuesday and am looking forward to having friends over for neaps and tatties. Don't forget your kilts!!!
Well all the excitement has taken it's toll and again am exhausted (but very happy!)
Back to work tomorrow, more meetings, more drama but lovely people!

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